International Tiger Day 2024: History, Quotes, Wishes & Posters - Postive

International Tiger Day 2024:
History, Theme, Quotes, Wishes & Posters

Postive 26 July, 2024

As the name itself suggests, International Tiger Day has been introduced to recognize the endangered species of these big cats and take action towards their preservation. In India, the agency responsible for any data collection of tigers is National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA). Which shall also form guidelines to save the tigers from further difficulties that they might face.

International Tiger Day was started in the year 2010 with the issue of protection and conservation in mind, but when we see the data collection of 2023, we note that 168 tigers died in that year alone and many other deaths took place before that year as well. At the same time, the Wildlife Protection Society of India (WPSI) states that 200 tigers will also be bright in the country in 2022.

But we hope that the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change will come up with better methods to stop the dying tigers and will help them in a better way, this International Tiger Day 2024, i.e. on 29th July.

International Tiger Day 2024 History

The day was started and recognized as an attempt to double the number of tigers present in the 13 countries that came together in 2010. These countries decided that it was their goal to increase the number of tigers present in the world till 2022.

India is the sole home to more than half the population of tigers in the world and hence the event of International Tiger Day is a huge one. 2010 was also the year when the world realized that more than 97% of the tiger population had been gone.

International Tiger Day has been a major event in India since the establishment of Project Tiger but is also considered to be an important event for India because the tiger is the national animal of our country. When only 3,000 tigers were left worldwide, it was finally decided that there was a need for world leaders to raise awareness of the said depletion of tigers around the world.

International Tiger Day 2024 Theme

The International Tiger Day 2024 theme has not yet been decided but looking at the previous year's theme, International Tiger Day 2023 was celebrated with the idea of “Tigers: roar for conservation” which emphasized the conservation of the already present tigers rather than further breeding.

This year's theme has not been decided and hence the main idea behind this year's campaign is difficult to realise. The convention/summit for tiger conservation of 2024 is to be set up in Bhutan this year and the leaders may discuss further guidelines on tiger conservation.

International Tiger Day 2024 Quotes

The Postive Festival Post Maker App gives the users a free space for creativity and decoration of their templates according to their ideas and brand identity, using similar color schemes and space distributions hence you can make perfect templates for your social media using Postive Festival Post Maker App at an affordable price.

Here are some examples of International Tiger Day quotes that you can use in your social media posts:

  • Tiger watches and hunts; whereas, hyenas wait and wait, for their time, to reach rubbish left by the tiger; similarly, the fools wait, not the wise ones.
    — Ehsan Sehgal
  • If you rile a tiger, he's going to show his claws.
    — Rob James-Collier
  • Those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.
    — John F. Kennedy
  • A tiger never loses sleep over the opinion of sheep.
    — Ziad Abdulnoor
  • The tiger lies low not from fear, but for aim.
    — Sherrilyn Kenyon
  • We must protect tigers from extinction, our planet's future depends on it.
    — Michelle Yeoh
  • To save the jungle, we have to save the tiger.
    — Rahul Wasulkar
  • Save the tigers before they are silenced forever.
  • Act before it vanishes forever.
  • Speak up for those who can't speak for themselves.

International Tiger Day 2024 Wishes

As a commercial page, it is our responsibility to spread awareness about saving tigers and saving them from future extinction. Use the Postive Festival Post Maker App to help you find the perfect template for your awareness messages and also relate and connect with your followers while educating them about important issues like International Tiger Day 2024.

Here are some examples of awareness messages for International Tiger Day 2024:

  • Happy International Tiger Day: 2024 may be the year for development.
  • Happy International Tiger Day: This is our way to sustainability.
  • Happy International Tiger Day: Our Bengal Tigers are Our responsibility.
  • Happy International Tiger Day: Let's pledge to be the voice for our national animal.
  • Happy International Tiger Day: Wildlife is our heritage.
  • Happy International Tiger Day 2024: ROARR!! IT IS OUR TIME.
  • Happy International Tiger Day: Spread awareness and keep our tigers alive.
  • Happy International Tiger Day: Their safety is our future.
  • Happy International Tiger Day: Our world will not be the same without them.
  • Happy International Tiger Day: 2024 is the year of action.

International Tiger Day 2024 Posters

Posters are the most effective form of social media awareness posts. They are short and sweet, with proper text and hence let your followers engage in the communication and invest their time in your brand identity itself. To make effective posters for your social media posts, use The Postive Festival Post Maker App and an affordable price and let your followers grow and be a part of a bigger community.

Here are some examples of International Tiger Day 2024 posters:

  • Poster 1 : Happy International Tiger Day 2024: It is the year of action.

  • Poster 2 : Our Tigers are a national sustainability goals.

  • Poster 3 : They are our important fauna, not resources to exploit.

  • Poster 4 : Stop the poachers and spread awareness.

  • Poster 5 : Tiger Skin is not Luxury, it's murder.

  • Poster 6 : Bengal Tigers need our India right now.

  • Poster 7 : 2024 International Tiger Day: This issue is not a joke.

  • Poster 8 : Every year tigers die due to our negligence, It is time to pay attention.

  • Poster 9 : International Tiger Day is for us to show service to nature.

  • Poster 10 : International Tiger Day: We function due to our environment, its destruction is our destruction.